Saturday, November 30, 2013

Design 2

- Text color
- Background color
Blue With some white stripes comming out of the right corner
- Animations
Fly in from the right side corner (only the first page )
- Transitions
Curtens  3 sec
- Pictures
Of gm food
- Sound
First page only drum beat                           

Friday, November 29, 2013

Design 1

 Font style 

- Text color
 the heading is purple and the text is withe
- Background color
- Slide color
grey and a bit purple
- Animations
heading drop in 00.25 sec text whip
- Transitions 
- Pictures
pictures of gm food  1 picture on every slide about the information on that slide.
- Sound

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What action has been taken to try and prevent the technology developing?

What action has been taken to try and prevent the technology developing?

the Obama administration has failed to respond to the public outcry against GMO's some states are starting to take action in places like Washington state where over 90 percent of the consumer base is demanding that items containing genetically modified organisms be labeled to warn people about what they are buying. Measure 522 would require not only all the foods containing GMO's to be labeled, but seeds and seed stock as well. The wildly popular measure has been targeted for opposition by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) who, not surprisingly, is representing the special interests with their own motivations for defeating labeling measures. But who is behind the

On October 18, 2013 the state's Attorney General sued the GMA, accusing them of violating federal campaigning laws which require such organizations to publicly disclose their list of donors. A list that the GMA fought to keep hidden from voters and consumers a like. Once the law suit was in play, the GMA agreed to finally release the list of names which was published by the Seattle Times and reads like a who's who list of food manufacturing companies with many contributing upwards of $1million or more to prevent consumers from learning what is in the food they sell them. Names like Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Co, Mars Bar, Nestle, Con-Agra, General Mills, and Campbell Soup were just a few of the companies on the list.

Stop the GM Apple
  1. Write to your provincial agriculture minister and ask them to take action to protect the apple growers in your area from the GM apple.
  2. Write or call your federal Member of Parliament. You can look up their contacts using your postal code at
  3. In BC, you can join provincial action here.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

for or against gno

GM foods are made to last longer, have more nutrients and taste better
destroy at least 125 million tons each year of the world's top five foods.
Genetically modified are not harmful because they have been modifying foods for centuries with no known harmful effects.
60% to 70% of processed foods on U.S. grocery shelves have genetically modified ingredients.
Genetically modified foods have been tested over and over again. Never revealing any problems
The protesters destroyed 1,000 square meters of Golden Rice, a variety genetically engineered to cut down on vitamin A deficiency.
the crops will have a higher quantity when harvested
GM foods cause cancer or allergies
Growing food with GMOs can result in better-tasting fruits and vegetables that stay fresh longer and are naturally resistant to insects.
three-quarters of Americans have concerns about genetically modified organisms in their food
Plant breeding also results in crops better able to withstand the environmental challenges of drought, disease and insect infestations.
most are worried about health effects

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What are the problems with this technology?

                                                    GM Foods Research

What are the problems with this technology?

  • Animals have become seriously ill or died from GE foods like bees and butterflies 
  • GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds can travel.
  • GMOs harm the environment.
  • GM crops and their associated herbicides can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms
  • A lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our knowledge.
  • The problem of food shortages is a political and economic problem.
  • Food shortages and hunger are -- and will be -- experienced by the poorer nations.
  • GE Food is an expensive technology that the farmers of the developing nations would not be able to afford easily.

key :

Genetically Engineered (GE) = Genetically Modified (GM)

Monday, November 11, 2013

what food are affected by this technology?

                                                       GM Foods Research
What foods are affected by this technology?

Technology has dramatically improved and reshaped every part of our lives. It has hardly left any aspect of our existence untouched. It has revolutionized the way we work, entertain ourselves and even the things we eat.

Chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria can cause food borne illness. Bacteria related food poisoning is the most common, but fewer than 20 of the many thousands of different bacteria actually are the culprits. More than 90 percent of the cases of food poisoning each year are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Bacillus cereus, and Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli.

hers a table about what friuts are used :

refrences :

What is the science behind genetically modified foods?


                                            GM Foods Research

What is the science behind genetically modified foods?

A genetically modified food is a food product derived in whole or part from a genetically modified organism (GMO) such as a crop plant, animal or microbe such as yeast.
Genetically modified foods have been available since the 1990s.

gm on food is really bad because you don't really know what chemicals they have put on for example your apple that look so shiny and good witch actually could be really brown but if you see a brow spot on your apple most people would go like "eww im not buying that" but its actually better to eat the one that don't have any bad chemicals on it than a apple with. 
this is really bad to the nature


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

searching for the truth

MYP Unit 1 – Worksheet: ‘Searching for the Truth’

Select three search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) and search for ‘Genetically Modified Foods.’
Without opening any of the sites, copy the top four web addresses that each search engine found.
Using ONLY the information provided by the search engine, complete the following:

Search Engine:
Usefulness of Information
What the site tells us
What type of organization hosts this site

1st Result

Genetically modified foods are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic
2nd Result

On Tuesday, in the most expensive ballot initiative campaign in state history, Washington voters will decide whether to become the first U.S

3rd Result 2Fdiscoveryguides%2Fgmfood%2Foverview.php&ei=Xl92UvGiMIePswad6YD4Aw&usg=AFQjCNHNQ-mYTZ0d3ww_IDOF_tlwAqpQiA&sig2=gZ0beEx2I4Y6-RYEoiGxxQ&bvm=bv.55819444,d.Yms

Recent studies about genetically-modified foods indicate that GMOs may cause harm to monarch butterfly caterpillars. Corn plants have been genetically
4th Result

GM foods are developed – and marketed – because there is some perceived advantage either to the producer or consumer of these foods. This is meant to

Search Engine:
Usefulness of Information
What the site tells us
What type of organization hosts this site

1st Result

Genetically modified foods are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering
2nd Result

have made a big splash in the news lately. European environmental organizations and public interest groups have been actively
3rd Result

Read GMO news and articles from Dr. Mercola, and discover the dangers and health risks of genetically modified foods
4th Result

Genetically Engineered Food News is focused on informing consumers of the possible dangers and effects of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) on the world’s food

Search Engine:
Usefulness of Information
What the site tells us
What type of organization hosts this site

1st Result

Genetically-modified foods (GM foods) have made a big splash in the news lately. European environmental organizations and public interest groups have been actively
2nd Result

Genetically modified foods are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.

3rd Result

Most Americans have eaten genetically modified foods without knowing it, but are they safe ?
4th Result

The top 10 genetically modified food and products are changing the way we shop. Read our list of the top 10 genetically modified food products.

term 1

An Internet address URL = Uniform Resource Locator
To format data in such a way that it can be used by another application. An application that can export data can create a file in a format that another application understands, enabling the two programs to share the same data. The two programs might be different types of word processors, or one could be a word processor while the other could be a database management system.
To use data produced by another application. The ability to import data is very important in software applications because it means that one application can complement another. Many programs, for example, are designed to be able to import graphics in a variety of formats.
The opposite of importing is exporting, which refers to the ability of one application to format data for another application.

 Domain name

Search engine


Internet browser