Wednesday, November 6, 2013

term 1

An Internet address URL = Uniform Resource Locator
To format data in such a way that it can be used by another application. An application that can export data can create a file in a format that another application understands, enabling the two programs to share the same data. The two programs might be different types of word processors, or one could be a word processor while the other could be a database management system.
To use data produced by another application. The ability to import data is very important in software applications because it means that one application can complement another. Many programs, for example, are designed to be able to import graphics in a variety of formats.
The opposite of importing is exporting, which refers to the ability of one application to format data for another application.

 Domain name

Search engine


Internet browser

1 comment:

  1. Well done. You have posted Task 1 successfully, but you are missing 5 definitions.
